RefCode  authors  title
Aguayo2004 Aguayo, P, Castaño, J M, Padial, B Análisis arqueológico y urbanístico de una manzana.Intervenciones de urgencia en el casco antiguo de Ronda, 1994-2000
Burri1994 Burri, E Analisi topografica dell’emissario Claudio-Torlonia
Nibby1848 Nibby, A Analisi storico-topographico-antiquaria della Carta de’ dintorni di Roma
Russo1850 Russo, G Analisi antico-moderna del lago Fucino e suo emissario
Tocco1856 Tocco, E L Analisi antico moderna del lago Fucino e del suo emissario
Akurgal2000 Akurgal, E Anadolu Uygarlıkları
Basgelen2008 Başgelen, N Anadolu Gezi Notları
Bellwald2004 Bellwald, U An wilden Wassern - die Wasserversorgung Petras in der Antiken
Ozkaldi2007 Özkaldı, A, Akbaş, H, Çelik, K An Outlook to the Ancient Water Works In Turkey
Hansen2004 Hansen, M H, Nielsen, T H An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis: An Investigation Conducted by the Copenhagen Polis Cen
Barag1964 Barag, D An inscription from the high level aqueduct of Caesarea - reconsidered
Chanson2002c Chanson, H An Experimental Study of Roman Dropshaft Operation
Chanson2001a Chanson, H An experimental study of Roman dropshaft hydraulics
Koloski2001b Koloski-Ostrow, A O, Crouch, D P, De Haan, N, Bruun, C, Leigh, S, Wilson, A I An epilogue: where to go from here? Future courses for water studies
Rodgers2005 Rodgers, R H An engineers' reading of Frontinus
Frank1940 Frank, T An economic survey of ancient Rome vol V: Rome and Italy of the empire
Reed1976 Reed, A H, Austin, W An archaeological survey of the Lanchester area
JamesonXX Jameson, V B, Jameson, M H An archaeological and topographic Survey of Hermione
Volant2009 Volant, Ph, Levret, A, Carbon, D, Scotti An archaeo-seismological study of the Nîmes Roman aqueduct, France: indirect evidence for an M6 seismic event?
Tsuk2002b Tsuk, T An aqueduct to Legio
