RefCode  authors  title
Tizzoni1904 Tizzoni, G, Gasperini, G Relazione sull’acquedotto di Bologna
Tiziani1978 Tiziani, G L’acquedotto, la fontana di piazza e altri episodi del settecento Cornetano
Tissot1888 Tissot, C Géographique comparée de la province romaine d´Afrique II
Tissieres1978 Tissières, P Réflexions sur quelques problèmes de l’eau A forvm clavdii vallensivm
Tilia1985 Tilia, G Rapporto preliminare sull´individuazione topographica dellla strada romana e dell´aquedotto che la costeggia,
Thouvenot1949 Thouvenot, R Volubilis
Thornton1985 Thornton, M K, Thornton, R L The drainage of the Fucine lake: a quantitive analysis
Thomson1858 Thomson, A The water works of the ancient Romans: the natural springs, aqueducts, reservoirs, baths, and drains
Thompson1972a Thompson, H O, De Vries, B A water tunnel at Muqibleh
Thompson1972 Thompson, H A, Wycherley, R E Roads and water supply
Thompson1955a Thompson, H A Activities in the Athenian Agora: 1954
Thompson1954 Thompson, H A Excavations at the Athenian Agora 1953
Thompson1950 Thompson, H A Excavations at the Athenian Agora:1949
Thompson1952 Thompson, H A Excavations at the Athenian Agora:1951
Thompson1953 Thompson, H A Excavations at the Athenian Agora:1952
Thompson1956 Thompson, H A Excavations at the Athenian Agora:1955
Thompson1966 Thompson, H A Excavations at the Athenian Agora 1960-1965
Thompson1968 Thompson, H A Excavations at the Athenian Agora 1966-1967
Thompson1960 Thompson, H A Activities in the Athenian Agora: 1959
Thompson1959 Thompson, H A Activities in the Athenian Agora: 1958
