RefCode  authors  title
Hirschfeld2002a Hirschfeld, Y The aqueducts at Ramat Hanadiv and Shuni
Netzer2002 Netzer, E The aqueducts and water supply of Masada
Mitchell1998 Mitchell, S Waelkens, M The aqueduct, nymphaeum and Bath house
Hartal2002a Hartal, M The aqueduct to Banias
Winogradov2002 Winogradov, Z S The aqueduct of Tiberias
Amit2002d Amit, D The aqueduct of the fortress of Dok
Aylward2002 Aylward, W, Bieg, G, Aslan, R The aqueduct of roman Ilion and the bridge across the Kemendere Valley in the Troad
Ilan2002 Ilan, Z, Amit, D The aqueduct of Qumran
Arthur1975 Arthur, C, Bazama, A The aqueduct of Ptolemais
Hauck1988a Hauck, G F The aqueduct of nemausus
Oikonomaki1984 Oikonomaki, N E The aqueduct of Lyktos
Aylward2006 Aylward, W The aqueduct of Ilion (Troy) and the supply of the city's nymphaeum and bath
Leigh1998 Leigh, S The aqueduct of Hadrian and the water supply of Roman Athens
Murphy2013 Murphy, D The Aqueduct of Elaiussa Sebaste in rough Cilicia. Water Channels for today and yesterday
Oikonomaki1986 Oikonomaki, N E The aqueduct of Chersonisos
Wardperkins1955 Ward-Perkins, J B The aqueduct of Aspendos
Owens2006 Owens, E The aqueduct of Ariassos and the development of the Roman city
Baillie1966 Baillie Reynolds, P K, Bailey, T A The aqueduct in the grounds of the British Embassy in Rome
Kessener2000 Kessener, H P M The aqueduct at Aspendos and its inverted shiphon
Nicholson1993 Nicholson, O C The Aqueduct at Amasya in Pontus
