RefCode  authors  title
Morgan1978 Morgan, M G The introduction of the Aqua Marcia into Rome
Benefiel2001 Benefiel, R R The inscriptions of the aqueducts of Rome: the ancient period
Reynolds1952 Reynolds, J M,Ward-Parkins, J B The inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania
Mitford1971 Mitford, T B The Inscriptions of Kourion, item 106
Todaro2000 Todaro, P The ingruttati of the plain of Palermo
McKenzie2008 McKenzie, J The influence of the Romans in Mérida, Spain: the aqueducts
Bruun2004 Bruun, C The impossibility of reaching an exact value for the Roman quinaria measure
Kelly2006 Kelly, A The impact of Aqueduct Construction on Demagraphic Patterns in Crete
Chanson2002d Chanson, H The hydraulics of stepped chutes and spillways
Chanson2008 Chanson, H The hydraulics of Roman aqueducts: what do we know, what should we learn?
Chanson1998 Chanson, H The Hydraulics of Roman Aqueducts: steep chutes, cascades and dropshafts
UnzuXX Unzu, M, Preto, P, Garberena, M G The hydraulic system
Bellwald2008 Bellwald, U The hydraulic infrastructure of Petra - a model for water strategies in arid land
Bellwald2006 Bellwald, U The hydraulic infrastructure of Petra
Oleson1992a Oleson, J P The human side of Hellenestic and Roman Waterlifting Technology
Murphy2008 Murphy-O’ Connor, J The Holy Land - an Oxford archaeological guide from the earliest times to 1700
Negev1964 Negev, A The high level aqueduct at Caesarea
Crouch1984 Crouch, D P The Hellenistic Water System of Morgantina, Sicily: Contributions to the History of Urbanization
Frankel2002a Frankel, R The Hellenistic aqueduct of Akko-Ptolemais
Lolos1997a Lolos, Y A The Hadrianic aqueduct of Corinth
